We are some of the luckiest people... we have great neighbors. We live in a unique neighborhood, and we so sad when our neighbor Joan put her house on the market almost three years ago. My husband and I could not imagine having a better neighbor... so I prayed that God would provide us with a great family to move in the house next door. And He blew our socks off... The "A" family moved in the spring that Doodles was 18 months ish and then I quickly became pregnant with Sweetpea. They have been there for us in SO many ways... When Sweetpea was about ten months old they welcomed to their family a fabulous little boy. He just had his first birthday... I cannot believe how fast a year has passed. And when Doodles found out that C was having a birthday, he asked if we could give him some racing cars that he and his sister have enjoyed, and he wanted to know if I would make C a birthday shirt. C had an under the sea themed party at the park. The day was wonderful and we came home with a party favor that keeps giving back... a beta fish. Here is the bib and shirt that I created to match the party...

I love the way that the the two pieces blend, but are not the same. Mommy A and I talked at length about whether we do a true birthday shirt, but we decided to provide more wear, I would design something that coordinated with his precious party invitations. Here is what we came up with...

This is the bib that we decided upon, I think it is so CUTE.

And this has to be my FAVORITE piece. I love the texture on the octopus and the way that we added his name, but only as an accessory, not the main feature. The octopus was hand appliqued on and I love the way that it turned out.
I really enjoy creating custom pieces for special occasions.